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Post-Installation Inspection

ACPA-Thumbnail-Webinar-Post-Installation-Inspection-of-Storm-Sewer-Pipes-and-Culverts-1Post-Installation Inspection of Storm Sewer Pipes and Culverts

Buried pipelines are a long-term investment and their effective service life can be ensured with quality installations. With limited budgets for regular onsite soil testing and construction observation, one of the best ways to verify satisfactory pipeline installation is through post-installation inspection (PII). PII provides value and confidence to engineers, owners, and the traveling public that underground infrastructure will meet the intended service life, similar to a home inspection prior to a real estate purchase. With how much is being invested in infrastructure, it’s important to use PII to protect these investments.  This course will overview common post-installation inspection methods, categories of possible defects to watch for, and applicable standards for evaluation criteria.


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