Pipe Culvert Analysis & Reinforcement Design

All users of PIPECAR should transition over to Eriksson Pipe as all known issues in PIPECAR have been corrected in Eriksson Pipe, and calculations have been brought into conformance with the 7th Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Specs. Eriksson Pipe supersedes and replaces PIPECAR.
Eriksson Pipe is a computer program that performs the structural analysis and design of circular and horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipe. Internal dimensions of pipe culverts are sized based on hydraulic or other service requirements and are then structurally designed to support the weight of earth, live, or other loads that are imposed on them. Eriksson Pipe provides the structural analysis and reinforcing design. This method of design allows the user to obtain reinforcing steel areas for user-specified pipe geometry, material properties; and loading data.
Eriksson Pipe completes the structural analysis and design of pipe sections by the following steps:
- Compute loads on the structure.
- Apply the calculated load to the structure through an assumed pressure distribution.
- Complete a structural analysis.
- Design reinforcing to carry the resulting moments thrusts and shears.
Eriksson Pipe is intended to be a design tool for the practicing engineer. For routine designs the engineer may input as little information as the diameter, wall thickness, depth of fill, and method of load application and then utilize a default file to generate the remainder of the input. For non-standard designs the engineer can override the default input parameters and use all the input menus to address the special conditions of his project. The user may quickly evaluate the effects of varying any of the input parameters to select the optimum design for a particular set of conditions. Because of its flexibility, Eriksson Pipe is intended for use by engineers. Many of the input values require knowledge of design specifications with which the user must be familiar.
Key Features:
- Uses Direct Design to analyze concrete pipe
- Supports LRFD 4th Edition through the 7th Edition (and beyond)
- Either Heger or radial soil pressure distributions can be used
- Optional shear steel
- Modern architecture and interface, .Net compliant
- Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Familiar to users that have experience with PipeCar
- Multiple reinforcing cage configurations
Eriksson Pipe supersedes and replaces PIPECAR.